Endpoint Protector Versionshistorie

Informieren Sie sich über aktuelle und frühere Endpoint Protector Versionen und Updates. Informationen zu Änderungen und Erweiterungen finden Sie nachfolgend in chronologischer Reihenfolge.


Endpoint Protector 2009

Mac Client Version: (for MAC OS X: 10.4 Tiger)

Below is a list of new features and improvements to the previous versions.

MAC Client Side Changes

  • iPhones, iPads and iPods Touch can now be controlled separately from the Endpoint Protector Server interface
  • iDevices are now detected by the Endpoint Protector Client as "USB Storage Devices"
  • Better control of CD/DVD devices
  • Printers (local printers, network printers, bluetooth printers etc.) can now be controlled by the Endpoint Protector Client
  • Improvements to interprocess and client-server communication
  • Optimizations to device, computer, user, workgroup and domain identification
  • Support for multiple quick logs transmission
  • Improvements to the installation process
  • Optimizations to the File Tracing feature
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